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"The sign says "Foot Path Only," and immediately I know why.
The trail is as sinuous and undulating as an angry rattlesnake, and in summer, I bet there are more than a few of those.
Entering a labyrinth of rock,
Scott Adams,
outcroppings of immense sandstone harbor bear-sized crevasses inviting hibernation.
The place is so peaceful I could nap, except I keep anticipating an ambush from a lost band of native people or one of the mountain lions that no longer prowl Penn's Woods." Brook Lenker, PA DCNR The Word on the Wilds, December 2005
"Today's urban society disconnects us from nature. All too easily we cling to the false hope that we have mastered nature, rather than standing in respect and stewardship of all things within nature, around us.
Restoring our place within nature, requires of us that we get back to nature. Foot travel over a remote primitive trail brings an exhilaration, an aliveness that cleanses us of our worldly woes and restores our spirit.
Mike Cosgrove
Mid State Trail was created to foster these simple, natural, spiritual experiences, so that we may all enjoy a greater respect for nature and therefore protect nature for all future generations.
The foot path's length (484 km and growing) and connection with the Great Eastern Trail footpath network, offers an extended unity with nature to long-distance walkers." Dr. Thomas Kelliher, President, Mid State Trail Association
Volunteers care
for Mid
State Trail, as a Keystone
Hiking Trail, marked by 5 cm x 15 cm orange blazes,
for quiet foot traffic only, in cooperation with many public
agencies (such as )
and private
When walking on Mid State Trail, be mindful of regulations (such as: no camping on State Game Lands) on public land. Be COURTEOUS of the Rights of private landowners-just as you would expect an uninvited guest on your own property to behave.
If you DARE,
or If you can IMAGINE,
click image for link to Map and Guide information, and click here for Updates.
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State Trail | Membership | Vision
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Mid State Trail has four Regions:
Connection to North Country National Scenic Trail, where it coincides with Finger Lakes Trail, is planned.
MST across Pennsylvania will extend 525 km, longer than Vermont's Long Trail and matching West Virginia's Allegheny Trail.
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State Trail | Membership | Vision
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NPF December 1, 2006