Section 8 - PA 26 Jo Hays Vista to Detweiler Junction

PA 26 at Jo Hays Vista near Pine Grove Mills to Detweiler Junction with Greenwood Spur of Standing Stone Trail, also east route of Great Eastern Trail (24.33 km), Rothrock State Forest, Huntingdon/Centre Counties, State College Region

Guide: 13th Edition
   Map: 307-311 (2017) and Section 8 Access Routes to State College Area (06/16)

QR Map Codes for Avenza PDF map software:
Section 8 Area


NB km 2.0 to km 5.5 - Logging in progress near the trail. One logging road crosses the trail. The trees right alongside the trail are not supposed to be cut. (12/21)

Musser Gap access is now open. Temporary map Section 8 Access Routes to State College Area (06/16) or brand new Map 307-311 shows continuing walking route off-road to Whitehall Road at southern limits of State College Borough and unblazed walking route on to the corner of College Ave. and Allen St. downtown, and unblazed on-road route on to the nearest resupply at Hills Plaza. (6/16; 6/17)

NB km 7 - Rothrock State Forest is hiring a contractor to cut in a multi-use natural surface trail from Musser Gap over Tussey Mountain to an old logging road off of Pine Swamp Road, in the direction of Whipple Dam State Park, that will cross MST about halfway between Hubler Gap Vista and Turkey Vulture Vista. When this is completed, the temporary Section 8 map will be revised to include the as-built route. (1/22)

Relocation near north end (between 12th edition NB km 22.97 and 24.05) moved trail off Bear Meadows Rd (NB km 23.73). Negligible change in distance. (8/15; 6/17) See temporary map Section 8 Access Routes to State College Area (06/16) or brand new map 307-311. Described correctly in 13th edition Guide.